Do You Have Persistent Faith?
In the region of Tyre and Sidon, Jesus and his disciples are taking a break in a Gentile area, away from the pressure of the crowds and the Pharisees. A Canaanite woman comes to Jesus (15:21–28). She’s a descendant of the pagan people who were Israel’s enemies in the old days. This woman incessantly pleaded with him to heal her demon-possessed daughter, which he did because of her great faith (21–28). We can learn much from this encounter. Thank you for joining us at Cross Waves Church.
In this week’s joke, Two pirates, Morty and Sol, meet in a bar. Sol has a patch over one eye, a hook for a hand, and a wooden peg leg. “Ye gads, matey,” says Morty. “What happened to ya?”....
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