We Give You The Tools To Become A Disciple-Maker

Study The Bible, Serve Others, Share Your Faith... Together

Are you frustrated that you are not personally making disciples?

We help you make disciples within "small groups" and "one to one."

We provide the discipleship curriculum for both the small group experience in the home, along with the one to one discipleship that can be done anywhere.

I don't know enough to teach the Bible

That is okay, we provide the Bible teaching through video from seminary trained pastors.

I don't have time to prepare a weekly lesson

Your responsibility is to facilitate a discussion, not teach a lesson.

I am not good with technology

It is extremely easy to put Cross Waves Church media on your TV since we have an app on ROKU and Apple TV.

I don't know how to play an instrument or sing

Cross Waves Church provides music and words each week through our weekly video curriculum that you can use.

I don't know how to help my community 

We will show you how to serve your community with your hands and finances. Also, much of the money contributed within your home stays in your account to use within your community to help others.

I don't know if anyone will come to my home

We will give you materials, along with media to use to help you invite others to you home.

When Cross Waves Church was founded, we did not care if we looked different than other churches, which we definitely do. Our goal was to make disciples that turned the world upside down like the early church did.

"Follow me until you see Jesus" should be every Christian life's mission."

Tim Steele - Lead Discipleship Pastor of Cross Waves Church

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We rescue Christians from having a life of an unfulfilled mission.

Look How Easy It Is To Get Started

Register Your Home

We want to serve you through the entire process of making disciples. So partner with us.

Watch The Training Videos

Our training videos will guide you through the entire process of turning your home into a ministry center.

Start Small

Start with your family and get comfortable with the process and all the tools that Cross Waves provides.

Invite Your friends.

Invite others when you are comfortable with the Cross Waves process.

We emphasize disciple-making over congregation/crowd building.

By meeting in homes, our home meetings mirror the small group setting that Jesus used to train his disciples. There is a reason why He kept the main group to twelve people.

By meeting in homes, adults and teenagers are encouraged to be active learners, not passive listeners. The host is not a performer, but a facilitator in leading people to be a disciple. 

By meeting in homes, more funds go towards community service projects, and providing support for missionaries around the world.

Cross Waves is lauded for its innovation for being a multi-site church that uses homes as mini-campuses. Cross Waves was completely designed around disciple-making. With the help of technology, Cross Waves brings solid Bible teaching within the best context for relationship development. 

We Create Safe Environments To Talk About God and Faith

We all have friends and family that will not go to church on Sunday morning for a variety of reasons. However, these same people will talk about God and faith in a convenient and safe environment. That is why they may be open to an invitation to a casual meal and Bible discussion in a home setting. In a Cross Waves Home Group, your friends and family can ask difficult questions without feeling judgement.

You provide the love and influence

We provide the video curriculum and training

God provides the increase

Now We're Blushing...


"What I like about Cross Waves is the fellowship around dinner and the intimate prayer time. I enjoy the Messages (practical to everyone's life - newer and older Christians can relate). I learn much through the discussion time. I have grown through the Share Events and Serve Events. The Cross Waves atmosphere is all-around a more intimate setting to grow closer to God with fellow believers." 


"We did our homework and really checked out Cross Waves Church, and loved the emphasis on the Bible and a mission to reach people for Christ. It may sound weird when you say come to my house to go to church, but all the people coming to our home were not going to church anywhere before coming to our weekly study. And we didn't have to do anything but make a meal. I love the authenticity of the people that are part of our Hotspot."


"I like Cross Waves because not only is the pastor Tim a blast, but I'm able to hear the word of God surrounded by others that are following the right path in life and I'm able to have an intellectual conversation about anything without the worries of being judged. I like Cross Waves because it feels like home and I'm with family. It's all in all a great experience all around."


"I love Cross Waves because it is simple. We don't deal with issues about getting the grass cut, what color is the carpet, or paying the eclectic bill, there is just no politics, we just deal with the gospel. I love how we deal with offerings at Cross Waves. Our funds don't go for maintenance of a building, I know my offerings are going into ministry."

Click above to see a short video on being a Cross Waves Church Host

It's time to get started.

Why are you waiting? Let's start making disciples together.

Latest Bible Talk

Each week, Cross Waves provides each HotSpot a talk concerning a Bible passage as Cross Waves teachers lead you on a journey through the Bible. 

More Media From Cross Waves Under The Media Tab.

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