Everyone Has To Make A Choice

Jul 28, 2024    Pastor Dr. Timothy Steele

Life is filled with choices and decisions (forks in the road). One of the choices is whether to follow God or not. Matthew 7:13–27 sets before us, a series of choices—forks in the road—that require us to make important decisions that will impact our lives and eternity. This section of Matthew asks us four questions:

1.Will you choose the difficult road and the narrow gate that leads to eternal life or the broad road and the wide gate that leads to eternal destruction (7:13-14)?

2.Will you choose the good tree with good fruit or the bad tree with bad fruit (7:15-20)?

3.Will you choose a genuine confession marked by obedience or a false profession marked by disobedience (7:21-23)?

Next week, we will look at 4. How you are wise if you choose to build on the rock-solid foundation of God’s Word, or foolish if you build on sand that will lead to your destruction (7:24-27)? 

This week we will examine the first three. We will see if the choice is ours. You will see that we must choose wisely.Thank you for joining us at Cross Waves Church.

In this week’s joke, Beauregard’s wife came home from her first day commuting into the city.

His wife noticed he looked a little peaked and asked, “Honey, are you feeling all right?”

“Not really,” he replied....


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