Where Did Jesus Get His Power?

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Dr. Timothy Steele

Jesus performs a miracle that Matthew only briefly refers to and Mark does not mention. Jesus heals a demon-possessed man. The Pharisees can’t deny that Jesus has done a miracle of supernatural ability. They can’t pass it off as an act or an illusion. The Pharisees are so irritated at the people thinking that Jesus might be the Messiah that they immediately go into “put down mode” and start making accusations that defy rational thinking. Like some politicians, their quest for power is so desperate that they must do or say anything they can to try to keep Jesus from taking the people away from them.

This question enraged the Pharisees, causing them to make the outlandish accusation that Jesus was performing miracles by the power of “Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.” What Jesus said to the Pharisees applies equally to us. We too must decide whether Jesus is evil, which leads to prideful opposition, or that He is good, which means that we follow Him wholeheartedly. There is no middle ground. Thank you for joining us at Cross Waves Church.

In this week’s joke, Johnny went home with a pain in his stomach. “Well, sit down and have some cookies,” said his mother. “Your stomach is hurting because it’s empty. It’ll be all right when you’ve got something in it.” Remember this, empty stomachs lead to stomach aches.....


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